Oct 2021 - Oct 2022

October 1st 2021, an online adventure started, asking befriended artists and designers if I could present a selection of their work on an online platform called CABINET39.
The name, combining CABINET - referring to the first cardboard used for photographic portraiture called cabinet cards and also to a filing cabinet where each drawer represents another 'discipline'; art, photography, design, print, craft and other hidden treasures... - with 39 - our house number.
One year later, CABINET39 went offline at multiple gallery for a period of two months, giving a face to the virtual and showing with joy and a bit of modest pride what one year of collaboration has yielded.
In these extremely uncertain and troubled times, it is a challenge to start a new project. But the stories of the artists, photographers, designers and crafts(wo)men released such a positive energy that it inspired to share a part of their work and what they stand for.
Therefore I wish to thank them all for having confidence in CABINET39, for being part of this insignificant but inspired project, I thank them for believing in what they do, in what they make and I thank them for sharing their passion with us.
So, thank you
Iwert Bernakiewicz (BE), Pietro Bonacina (IT), Steven Brouns (BE), Matali Crasset (FR), Nick Ervinck (BE), Patrick Everaert (BE), Fanfare.design (BE), Martine Geladi (BE), Serge Haelterman (BE), Charvis Harrell (US), Linde Hermans (BE), I N S T I T U T E 5 4 (BE), Herman Maes (BE), Pascale Matuscsak (BE), Renaat Nijs (BE), Audi Pauwels & Kitty Spaenjers (BE), Lucia Sammarco Pennetier (IT), Klaar Prims (BE), Rogier Rensen (BE), Ick Reuvis (BE), Birgit Stulens (BE), Joke Timmermans (BE), Quinten Torp (BE), Karel Van Gerven (BE), James Van Vossel (BE), Kris Vervaeke (BE) and Abelone Wilhelmsen (DK)!
Read more about it on the artist page.https://www.cabinet39.com/artistscabinet39
CABINET39 continues to grow and will add great names to this wonderful list. Please spread the word, visit us until 15th October at multiple gallery or visit CABINET39 online and thank you too for your support!
CABINET39 offline, multiple gallery, Maastrichterstraat 64, Hasselt, Belgium